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Author Archives: admin
Spotify Invite!
Google Detecting Viruses
They are watching you.
As we have always said anything you put on the net is there forever and there is no such thing as privacy. Now a company is recording your online activity and storing it for background checks. and it was determined to be LEGAL. Think twice before you click “like” -except our posts
Now you can buy your technology preloaded with malware!
Some details on this would be helpful…
Tablets are good for?
Google+ ?
So if everyone reads this maybe Facebook viruses would be no more?
Nowadays, Facebook is filled with spammy posts and fake applications. Sharon Vaknin gives you a tutorial on how Facebook malware is contracted, how to avoid it, and ways to remove it. Read this blog post by Sharon Vaknin on How To.
Crime Pays…A Lot…for a little while.
Your privacy is challenged, we help fight back
Facebook rolled out facial recognition to help automate photo tagging, and it’s enabled by default. Learn how to adjust your privacy settings to disable it. Read this blog post by Matt Elliott on How To.